Wedding and Reception at Blue Hill at Stone Barns

Nestled in the Pocantico Hills, New York, the former Rockefeller Barn is now the home of the Blue Hill Restaurant….a fabulous location for a wedding.

Guests gathered in the courtyard under blue skies to witness the marriage, held under a dramatic archway covered with white spirea.

The Bridal bouquet featured white Dutchess d”Amour peonies….created European- style with half of the peonies (the ones in the center) still in bud form (just about to open). The surrounding peonies were just beginning to open. The Bridesmaids’ Bouquet included green hydrangeas imported from Holland with white ranunculus and blue grape hyacinths (which perfectly matched the color of the dresses).

All of the centerpieces were green and white (hydrangeas, freesia, ranunculus and phlox) arranged in very special baskets , handmade from small branches. With a mixture of both round and rectangular tables….the presentation was extraordinary….Very sophisticated country look.


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