Spring Wedding at Waveny Mansion, New Canaan, Connecticut

The wedding took place recently at the magnificent Waveny House in New Canaan, a venue, known for its Tudor-style mansion, rose garden, and manicured grounds. Herbs proved to be a subtle, yet moving, way to incorporate the personality of the bride and groom into the festivities of this special occasion. 

Herbs have symbolic meanings that literally go back many centuries; and for Rose Marie and Joshua, they became the connecting link that made their wedding floral decor different and special. When the couple initially approached me, they spoke of their love of cooking and their wish to integrate their passion in an overall wedding theme. Together we worked to develop this nascent idea further: the individual tables were named for different herbs; herb plants (in clear glass cubes) decorated the cocktail tables.
Eventually freshly plucked herbs were integrated into all of the floral arrangements, from the bridal bouquet and groom's boutonniere, to the centerpieces on all the tables. 
The bridal bouquet was a combination of vendela roses and double white freesia, collared by astrantia, lamb’s ear and several pieces of fresh rosemary. 
The gentlemen’s boutonnières similarly incorporated and rosemary.

All centerpieces included rosemary, with the clear glass containers lined with fresh cabbage leaves.
Nosegays of lamb’s ear, astrantia and rosemary on some of the serving trays finished off the look.
We chose the herbs not only for meaning, but also for stem strength. There was thyme (courage, strength), mint (wisdom, virtue), chives (usefulness), dill (preservation, good spirits), sage (long life, esteem)....with rosemary (love, loyalty and fidelity) tucked into virtually everything.

Wonderful wedding, wonderful memories of a unique theme: the joys of herbs.


  1. Loretta,
    The arrangements were beautiful, and they incorporated our love and respect for herbs perfectly! Thank you for giving this idea a lot of thought.

    Rose Marie


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